About The Trade Alliance Barter Software

We do not own or operate any barter exchange ourselves which would make us a competitor of yours.

Maximum monthy fees are only $395.00, no matter how much you do in transactions each month, the lowest in the industry .

 The only barter software with a complete help menu on your site for your members and another on your manager site.

 Switch to The Trade Alliance barter software and pay no fees for 1 month.

 Your barter software provider holds the entire data and operation of your company and as such your barter software provider should be of the highest integrity, honesty and morality.

 No set up fee for established exchanges, (those with 50 or more members.)

The Development & Programming Staff is truly a staff, not one person who also does everything else too.

 Truly custom sites, built by your web designer can be fully integrated with our barter software of choose a web designer from the more than 90 that are members of our exchanges.

 You can search for your member by E-mail address, first name, last name, or phone number in addition to a standard business name.

 New, faster and more powerful servers means faster speeds and more dependability.

All data backed up daily in multiple locations, insuring your data will always be safe. 

Your own website with your own identity, we do not put our name all over your website.

The Trade Alliance barter software allows members to see how many times each item in a bulletin is viewed by a customer, who looked at it and when.

 The largest online barter marketplace with more goods than  and growing by millions of dollars each week.

 Compare the professional look of the home page of the websites and the look and feel of the Marketplace, where members see goods and services offered.

 The only barter shopping site where you get to choose what your members see in bulletins and what is posted to your website.

 No part cash items are allowed in the Marketplace unless you wish to offer part cash items to your members.

If you or your members see an item listed you know it is full trade.

The Trade Alliance barter software allows members to not show any item in the Marketplace that they do not want their members to see.

Manager reminder notes where you can post notes and a reminder comes up on your manager screen on the date you chose to call, or review.

24 hour authorizations, every day of the year by members posting their transactions themselves on line. transactions can even be done from any smart cell phone or tablet, anywhere in the world.

Many helpful features in the software available no where else.

Reports for every needed function, on line statements available to your members for any month and any year.

 We do not run our own multiple barter company websites that are in competition with you.

Totally secure site and better security for sensitive password and credit card information. 

 No one has access to this information as it is 128 bit encrypted.

 We host your site if you like at no charge.

 The easiest to use and most comprehensible travel and accommodation section available in barter.

Customizable colors and backgrounds, a true custom web home page is available to you.

 Banking services direct from your members to your bank account for payments.

 Compare the new offers and all offers screens to those of other software.

 More detail, cleaner looking and much faster response times than any other software.

 Best cost, best service, best options, best security, best technology, best support and now the first choice of barter software available.

 The Trade Alliance barter software - There must be a reason why more barter companies are switching their current software to The Trade Alliance for their software needs.

We supply barter software that is designed, developed and maintained by people with over 40 years experience in the barter industry and are former exchange owners.

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